Saturday, February 14, 2009

future goals and aspirations: a list.

- learn to knit
- travel to spain, germany, and back to belgium
- have a functioning vegetable garden
- have a flower garden
- have a significant number of poems published
- live/teach in a foreign (preferably european) country
- take philosophy classes in college, and know what I'm talking about
- learn to crochet
- have people live in my house/apartment/cardboard box on the side of the murch, and cook for them
- write a self study of...myself.
- not have ugly bulletin boards. this is very important. very, very important.
- learn to speak either spanish or german. maybe both.
- learn to make jam/jelly
- write a play, and see it performed (even if just locally)
- have a substantial column in the newspaper
- make/sell jewelry

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